Paddington Station  
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Condominiums - Building 1 Condominiums - Building 2 Townhomes - Building 3 Townhomes - Building 4

Floor Plans : Building 1, Building 2, Building 3, Building 4

Townhomes: Building 4

Paddington Station ~ Elegant Townhomes

Prices from $179,900 to $204,900

Click on a unit number below to open the corresponding floor layout diagram. The floor diagrams are in PDF format which will require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. If by chance you need the reader, click here to download it for free.

Check out the suites available!

Click on the suite to open the corresponding floor layout

Building 4: First Floor Type G1 Type H1 Type G1a Type H1 Type H1 Type G1a


Building 4: Second Floor Type G2 Type H2 Type H2 Type H2 Type G2a
Building 4: Third Floor Type H3 Type G3 Type H3 Type G3a Type H3Type G3
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The developer reserves the right to make changes to the specifications without notice.
All measurements and layouts are approximate. E.&O.E.