Paddington Station  
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Condominiums - Building 1 Condominiums - Building 2 Townhomes - Building 3 Townhomes - Building 4 Condominiums - Building 1 Condominiums - Building 2 Townhouses - Building 3 Townhouses - Building 4

Floor Plans / Site Plan

To view the various floor plans in any one of the buildings, either click the building in the site plan image at the left, or select from the following options:


Prices from $149,900 to $275,900

Building 1: by floor — First, Second, Third, Fourth

Building 2: by floor — First, Second, Third, Fourth


Prices from $179,900 to $204,900

Building 3: All floors

Building 4: All floors


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Home | Location | Floor plans | Features | Pricing / Availability
The developer reserves the right to make changes to the specifications without notice.
All measurements and layouts are approximate. E.&O.E.